Snow Bunny in Ugg Boots

December 24, 2016


Bunny has decided to attend a Weight Watchers meeting on Fridays at 6:30 a.m. This is very early, and Bunny is a senseless zombie slow starter in the morning, but the meeting location is halfway to work, and it fits well into her schedule. If she canBasic RGB get up and organized that early.

It gets quite cold in the winter where Bunny lives. Last Friday, she dragged out of bed, looked out the window, and saw that the wind was whipping. She asked her electronic friend Alexa what the temperature was, heard a number that made her shiver, and stumbled into the closet to throw on some nice warm casual-Friday clothes. Emerging in a pair of jeans (not the dearly departed 24s, but a now-perfectly-comfy 22), a sweatshirt, a warm scarf, a parka, a sweater and Ugg boots, off she went to her meeting.

At her WW meeting, there is a sign that says, “For Health Reasons, Please Place a Paper Towel on the Scale if Weighing in Barefoot.” Bunny had decided in Week 1 that she might as well just keep her shoes on all the time. It seemed simpler.

So Bunny, still sleep and pre-coffee, got to the front of the line, wrote down her Monthly Pass number, and stepped on the scale.

Oh, you did well, just a little point-two flex. (This is WW’s way of telling you that you gained two-tenths of a pound without making it sound bad.) As Bunny was collecting her purse, the nice lady behind the desk yelled


Bunny turned to see what horrible thing was occurring.


Bunny had left her parka in the car, but still had on a thick cardigan sweater, and the lanyard with her office keys hung around her neck, as they always did when she was on her way to work.

Oh. Will that make a difference?

Now the meeting leader had arrived and was assuring Bunny that “EVERYTHING COMES OFF!” 

Bunny obediently set down her purse, took off her sweater, and the lanyard, and got back on the scale. She lost 1.2 lbs.

Cheers went up, and as Bunny walked away from the desk to head for her seat, the nice lady behind the desk yelled


Bunny turned to see her scowl.

Ugg boots? Really? Those must be at least three pounds. Get back here.

There were people in the line, and Bunny didn’t want to hold up the parade any longer, so she said cheerily,

That’s OK, I’ll lose more next week!

The nice lady behind the desk was satisfied, and went on with the next weigh-in.

Bunny was right. The next week (without the Ugg boots), she lost FOUR POUNDS.

Bunny’s total weight loss stands at 18.6 lbs.


Bunny’s Baggy Jeans

December 12, 2016

After 5 weeks on Weight Watchers, Bunny has lost 13.4 lbs.! She is happily connected to eTools, tracking what she eats on her iPhone, and walking through the market scanning barcodes. Her FitBit is connected, syncing with her phone, ticking off Activity Points and cheering her on as she racks them up. (Well, she’s not exactly racking them up since she still sits most of the day, but when she does earn an Activity Point, the Weight Watchers app provides great encouragement.)

The other day, Bunny had to fly. When preparing for air travel, her plan is always to wear something warmish, not tight, and a nice baggy sweater. She decided on the size 24 jeans. She had never bought a size 24 before, and was pretty horrified about it, but she did so a few months ago because the size 22s were a little snug, did a brilliant job of defining her muffin tops, and she was tired of it. So they started out loose. After dropping 13.4 lbs., they’re apparently a lot looser. She didn’t notice any difference, and wore them anyway.

Stepping through the scanner at the airport, the buzzer went off. She then spent 10 minutes having a TSA lady rub her flat palms up and down Bunny’s various body parts, asking Bunny to widen her stance and hitch up her jeans, searching for whatever it is they search for. When this uncomfortable process was complete, the TSA lady told Bunny that the buzzer went off because her jeans were sagging in the crotch, and they “don’t expect that in a woman.” She advised Bunny, “next time, pull them up as you go through the scanner.”

How embarrassing! The size 24 jeans are now in the donation pile. We wonder how it works with those guys who wear their jeans with the waistband a foot below its intended location, with the crotch falling near their knees. Do THEY have to suffer such close inspection? (We hope so!)

So as Bunny scans and counts and tracks, we at Team Bunny try to be as encouraging as possible. We cheered when she lost 5 lbs. (although she brushed that off as first-week water weight). We cheered when she lost 10 lbs., and that made her happy. She started at 290, and she was delighted to say goodbye to the 90’s and then the 80’s. She’s approaching an overall 5% loss of body weight, and we’ll cheer her on for that when she gets there. “Hey, Bunny, you lost 3 times pi! You’re awesome!” (Anything to keep her going!)

jeans_sizesMeanwhile, Weight Watchers gives her a “Bravo” star sticker for attending meetings, and a star sticker with the number of pounds lost when she hits a goal. She’s still trying to figure out where she’s supposed to stick all those stars. Right now most of them are on the bottom of her purse. That sticker system needs work, Weight Watchers.