Bunny’s blogging team is vacationing. Since Bunny herself has no idea how to post an entry, we’re going to refer you to last year’s enlightening if slightly disturbing Halloween post: Boo!

Thanks for your patience, and

Happy Halloween!

Weakend Bunny

October 19, 2010

Yes, we can spell. Our point is that Bunny is weaker on the weekend than she is on weekdays.

Bunny followed her script–sorry, the play we called in the last post–to the T (whatever that means).

No diverting, no whining. She ate what we told her to eat, and not one bit more. She walked at lunch, she drank tons of water–she was a good, obedient little Bunny.

Then came the weekend.

WeekendWe won’t go into the details, but there was at least one piece of pizza, a small (but not small enough) amount of ice cream, wine, and a potato chip or five.

She wasn’t horrible, but she did lose her focus here and there. Now and then.

Then Monday came back. This is a good thing, believe it or not. It’s easier for Bunny to say on the straight and narrow when she’s at work–partly because she’s too busy to think about eating, and partly because her best friend is there to (quite literally) slap any unauthorized morsels out of her hand.

We changed up the dietary plan a little this week, but kept it along the same lines as last week’s meals.

She’s doing fine, although today it was raining, so she didn’t have her lunchtime constitutional. And she was very busy at work, so she didn’t get enough water. She can make it up tonight, but no good can come from drinking eight glasses of water two hours before beddy-bye.

She’s paying the piper on Thursday, when she visits the Carb-Hating Doctor once again for another delightful visit to the scale.

Bunny is seriously considering buying some diuretic tea tomorrow, and not eating after noon until her appointment, the next day at 4:00.

We’re discouraging this. It would be irrational.

Besides, if she followed that plan, the NEXT time she had to go weigh in, she’d have to cut off her arm or something to ensure that she lost some weight. Strangely tempting, but supremely irrational.

The only reasonable solution? Lose weight.

It always comes down to that same old song, doesn’t it?


First and Ten

October 12, 2010

Team Bunny BusOk, we found a bus. Team Bunny is on the move!

Here’s the situation:

Bunny has ten days before her doctor appointment where the Carb-Hating Doctor is going to weigh her. The doctor, as you may recall, has used some pretty sneaky tactics to guilt Bunny into losing some weight before this appointment. Guilt, basically. She’s made it clear that she personally will be sad and disappointed if Bunny hasn’t lost a few pounds.

Ten days, ten yards. Let’s see if Bunny can make a first down.

Here’s the play call for the next three days–Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.


A Bunny breakfast shake. This consists of:

  • unsweetened chocolate almond milk
  • natural peanut butter
  • chocolate whey protein powder
  • a banana
  • ground flaxseed.

This shake, by the way, complies with a lot of The Nutrition Diva’s tips on how to make the perfect smoothie. And Bunny likes it.


A Luna protein bar. Not a perfect lunch, but not bad. At least it provides protein and some vitamins. Easy, tasty, quick, and leaves time for a walk at lunch.


A turkey sandwich with whole wheat bread, avocado, and lots of tomatoes. Mustard, no mayo. More tomatoes on the side, with a touch of olive oil. Not a traditional dinner meal, but it’s easy, and it provides protein, whole grains, healthy fat. And, again, Bunny likes it. She also doesn’t have to cook it. She likes that, too.


A piece of fruit, string cheese, one Skinny Cow chocolate truffle bar.


Sugar, chips, guacamole, alcohol. Chips and guacamole are a danger because today is Taco Tuesday at the cantina across the street from the office, and sometimes chips happen. We want Bunny to avoid this for the next few a days. As for alcohol, Bunny wouldn’t likely even think about it on a weeknight, but we’re putting it on the list just in case.


Three of those big SmartWater bottles each day.


Bunny is to do ten minutes of stretching exercises every day, and take a walk every day at lunch.

So that’s the plan.

Bunny is not allowed to change the play at the line of scrimmage. (She can’t be trusted to call her own audible.) Any variances (for example, if the boss wants to go out to lunch) must be submitted to the Offensive Coordinator (your humble bloggers) before any changes are made.

Let’s see how Bunny does.